The Dermatoglyphics Multi – Intelligence Test (DMIT) is the most advanced concept that helps to identify any person’s inborn talent from the age of 3 years and above without asking for any inputs. You will learn about your child’s inborn personality, his learning style, self-study method, best career options after 10th and 12th.
DMIT counselling helps every individual or student who is confused about which career option to choose or which subject interests him or her. The DMIT fingerprint analysis is a scientific study of the brain lobes and neural networks. Each fingerprint pattern is unique and will tell you about your innate abilities, behaviour, capabilities, and more.
At Brain Strength, our DMIT counselling focuses on developing the life and career of an individual after intricately analysing its inborn qualities. It is an exceptional method to understand how the brain and fingerprints are interlinked and how analysing each of these patterns will help you know yourself better. Our DMIT fingerprint analysis will help you decode your values, interests, and amplify your career growth easily.
How does DMIT work?
You can call us for a prior appointment. Our team will perform your DMIT fingerprint analysis by collecting your fingerprints. After collection, you will get a detailed report which our DMIT career counselling expert will explain to you thoroughly.
Know more about DMIT benefits and our DMIT career counselling online by booking an online appointment or contacting our team on